Pet Evaluation
At Stoney Creek Pet Lodge our priority is to make sure that your canine family member is going to have a fun and safe time while they are here for Daycare or Boarding. The EVALUATION DAY is a Required day of doggy daycare where we observe and evaluate your pets’ behavior and comfortability with other dogs and the staff. To begin this process, we require all owners to call and set up pet(s) as a client, fill out forms, sign a Boarding/Daycare contract, and have the primary veterinarian office send a copy of updated vaccine records. You will receive a Free Report Card that specifies how your pet(s) did. If you have any other questions our staff would be happy to assist you.
If you need to CANCEL your pet’s EVALUATION, a phone call is required prior to business closing the day before your reservation. If unable to give notice a $20.00 fee will be charged per pet.